So I started blogging very recently and I would not recommend what I did at all! I started on a whim and gave no thought to the bigger picture. I am just now figuring out what I really want to do with my blog and am completely redesigning it at the moment. Luckily, I have learned a lot and found some really great resources.
Here is a post by Molly from Molly's BookNook. I wish I had done what she suggests and defined my 3 Ws before I started my blog. This is a perfect place to start.
This is a great exercise, I suggest you read through the post and make lists of your answers to each question. Write down every single thing that comes to mind, don't edit yourself, even if you think it doesn't "go together" write it down, it may become part of the bigger picture for you.
Do this for a few days, you'll probably jump around a bit, new ideas will come, write them all down. Remember, don't edit - add everything, subtract nothing.
This is great for building the foundation of your blog but if you are interested in getting a sneak peak at the monetization part, search "blog income report" on Pinterest. You'll find a ton of bloggers give a breakdown of where their income comes from. There are a million ways to make money from a blog and it is interesting to see all the different possibilities.
If anyone has questions, ask me! I'm no expert, I've just had a head start on the research - and quite a bit of trial and error ;)
Check on my post on Why I Started My Blog
Check on my post on Why I Started My Blog